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Scott Safety, Guildford facility - Performance Drivers Consortium site tour


Scott Safety logo on site tour report

It’s no secret that companies need to constantly evolve to stay on top of the competition. Especially off-shore competition.Scott Safety, a developer and manufacturer of innovative respiratory protection equipment, other personal protective equipment and safety devices has been manufacturing in Australia for more than 75 years. It provides an excellent example of a how a Lean culture can transform an organisation into a global leader in its field.

The business has been ‘living the Lean life’ for several years. Using daily management, one-piece flow and visual management during the journey.

Greg Culley and the team at Scott Safety kindly provided the opportunity to tour the Guildford manufacturing facility. Greg talked about Scott Safety’s continuing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) journey. During the tour we saw that the application of TPM creates a shared responsibility for equipment, encourages greater involvement by plant floor workers, and has a positive effect on productivity.


Feedback from members of the Consortium attending the site visit:

“Very informational, can use a lot of today’s discussion in my branch”

“Highly valuable exposure for my team and helps generate great discussion after the event”

“Great takeaways & also provided benchmarks for us to follow on our 5S journey”


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