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ANSTO, Lucas Heights Facilities – Performance Drivers Consortium site tour


ANSTO logo on site visit report

The site tour provided a rare insight into creating a facility capable of housing nuclear material, and the processes involved in the manufacture and handling of Nuclear Medicine. Construction of the new nuclear medicine production facility is on target to be completed in late 2017.

The new nuclear medicine facility will triple ANSTO’s Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) production. Australia will be able to meet domestic demand and supply a significant proportion of the world demand for this nuclear medicine.

The site tour covered the new nuclear medicine facility and existing nuclear facilities. ANSTO is a strong proponent of Lean Methodology. In the new facility we saw how they have used 5S methodology as part of their continuous improvement (CI) drive eliminating waste, improving flow and empowering the workforce.

The passion and enthusiasm showed by the ANSTO team was remarked upon by participants in the site tour.

Our appreciation goes to the management and staff at ANSTO, particularly; Lindsay Pursehouse, Manager – Central Scheduling and Supply; Enzo Valente, Operational Readiness Coordinator at ANM; Aaron Flett - Operations Manager ANM; and James Charlesworth – Mo99 Manager. The passion and enthusiasm they and their teams display was much remarked on by our attendees.


Feedback from members of the Consortium attending the site visit:

“Fantastic! I was overwhelmed with the facility. The team are positive and really enjoy their jobs”

“Good to see another company’s approach – enjoy learning about other processes”

“Great tour, great site, great people”


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